Social Experiences Among Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Questioning Youth


SMU REB File # 20-013


Seth LeBlanc (Honours Student) & Dr. Leanna Closson (Faculty Supervisor)

Department of Psychology, Saint Mary’s University, 923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS B3H 3C3


INTRODUCTION. As part of my Honours thesis, I am conducting research under the supervision of Dr. Leanna Closson. We invite you to take part in a study that examines aspects of socializing among transgender, non-binary, and gender questioning youth. Participation in this study is completely voluntary.


PURPOSE OF THIS RESEARCH. Through this study, we are interested in learning about how gender identity impacts social experiences of transgender, non-binary, and gender questioning youth.


WHO IS BEING INVITED TO PARTICIPATE? You are eligible to participate if you are aged 14 to 21 and personally identify as transgender, non-binary, or are unsure, questioning, or exploring how you see yourself based on gender. 


WHAT DOES PARTICIPATING MEAN? You will be asked to complete an online survey about your experiences socializing as a gender diverse or gender questioning individual. You will be asked to respond to questions about your social preferences (for example, do you enjoy hanging out with others or do you prefer to be alone), and your sense of belonging (for example, do you feel included or excluded by others). Some questions will be answered on a rating scale and some questions will be open-ended where you can respond in your own words. We expect that the survey will take about 20 minutes, but your time will depend on how much you want to write for the open-ended questions. 


WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THIS RESEARCH? There are misconceptions about gender diverse individuals, both in the research literature and in the general population. Research that properly centers gender diverse people is critical to helping increase understanding and acceptance. The results may also help with developing appropriate and effective interventions to help gender diverse and gender questioning youth when they struggle with social experiences.


WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL RISKS OF THIS RESEARCH? Some participants may feel uncomfortable sharing their personal social experiences as they relate to their gender identity. You are encouraged to skip any questions that make you feel uncomfortable and you can withdraw from the study at any point during the survey, without penalty. If you need someone to talk to, or if you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide, please know that there is help. You can contact Kids Help Phone (phone: 1-800-668-6868; text CONNECT to 686868, online: or Trans Lifeline (phone: 877-565-8860 [US] or 877-330-6366 [Canada], online:


TIPS FOR SAFE BROWSING.  If you have not disclosed your thoughts and feelings about your gender to your parents/guardians, please note, that there is a possibility that they may unintentionally find out you’ve taken part in this survey through your browsing history. To prevent this, here are some tips for safe browsing:

·      Complete the survey in an Incognito tab for mobile use, or window for computer.

·      Use a friend’s computer. 

·      Delete your browsing history after completing the survey.


WHAT WILL BE DONE WITH MY INFORMATION? Responses will be anonymous; your name or any identifiable information will not be collected. It will not be possible to link your identity to the information you have provided. For open-ended questions, you will be instructed to not write any names or use any other personal identifiers. If you do still happen to identify yourself or others, we will remove these identifiers from your responses. Your responses will be collected using a survey platform called Qualtrics. Qualtrics uses high-level encryption to safeguard data during transit, stores it securely on a server in Canada, and does not share it with third parties. Data will be stored on the researchers’ personal and secure, password-protected computers. All data will be kept confidential. Your own individual responses will not be included in any reports of the results; we will only analyze group-level findings. The results of the study may be shared through seminars, presentations, and scientific journals. 


HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS STUDY? You can find a summary of the results at in March, 2021.


HOW CAN I WITHDRAW FROM THIS STUDY? You can withdraw from the study at any point during the survey without penalty by exiting out of the browser. Once your responses have been submitted at the end of the survey, it is not possible to withdraw because responses are anonymous.


CONTACT THE RESEARCH TEAM. For any questions or concerns, the researchers can be contacted by email at: 

RESEARCH PARTICIPANT RIGHTS AND PROTECTION. The Saint Mary’s University Research Ethics Board has reviewed and approved this research with the guidance of the TCPS 2 based on three core principles: Respect for Persons, Concern for Welfare and Justice. If you have any questions or concerns at any time about ethical matters or would like to discuss your rights as a research participant, please contact or 902-420-5728.

Electronic Consent Agreement:

I understand what this study is about, appreciate the risks and benefits, and that by consenting I agree to take part in this research study and do not waive any rights to legal recourse in the event of research-related harm. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I can end my participation at any time without penalty. I have had adequate time to think about the research study and have had the opportunity to ask questions.